Saturday, November 16, 2013

Welcome to the 2013 Raas Purnima issue of e-Sanai

by Sri Sandip Dasgupta

Welcome to the Raas Purnima issue of e-Sanai. This is the time of the year when our Master decided to give up His current body – perhaps as a test to see if we were truly prepared to accept the “I-Reality” that He had shown us the path to (instead of His body).  Sri Sri Babathakur unfolded the “Science of Oneness” as revealed to Him in the current body.  He had repeatedly emphasized that this “Science of Oneness” is the only panacea for the current age.  According to Him, just as ancient currency cannot not be used as legal tender today, so cannot the age old message of our Shastras be understood and absorbed, unless it is customized for the current age.   To summarize the “Science of Oneness”:
·         By definition, Absolute can only be ONE.

·         That Absolute is the substratum of all living beings and objects of this universe.

·         Just like we cannot think of a circle without a center, this substratum is the Absolute core of everything.

·         This substratum or the I-Reality is the God that resides in each one of us.

·         We do not have to look outside or go to a temple to find this God.  We need to look within ourselves, recognize the substratum within us, and identify ourselves with this I-Reality/God Absolute in everything you do, think etc.

·         When we are always conscious of this I-Reality that is the substratum within us, then we are making positive steps towards realization.

·         A Sadguru is one who has realized this “Knowledge of Oneness” and unfolds this Knowledge to whoever is a sincere seeker.  The seeker’s mind is like the window of a room that lets in sunlight.  If the window is wide open, it lets the maximum amount of sunlight in – if however the window is closed, then the sunlight is blocked.  Similarly, even if we have the opportunity of coming in close contact with a Sadguru, we will only absorb the amount that our mind will let us absorb.  This is why the preparation of mind is very important for progress on the spiritual path.

Our Master was the embodiment of that Absolute I-Reality.  If we reflect on His words, His actions, His Name – we shall see how He was always identified with that Absolute Reality.  Here is my humble attempt to capture some of them:

o   Let’s begin with His name – Sri Sri Babathakur.  He repeatedly told us that we should not confuse His name with the body of the current incarnation.  He had explained that the “Baba” of the mundane plane and Thakur (God) of the transcendental plane are but One, not separate. To solidly signify this Oneness, the two words “Baba” and “Thakur” had been joined into ONE word – Babathakur!

o   He never initiated anybody – because that would mean that the Guru is superior to the one being initiated.  He saw the Supreme I-Reality amongst everybody and hence didn’t feel the need to initiate anybody in the traditional sense.

o   He maintained that He was here on a Missionless Mission – hence he did not believe in setting up any institutions. This is because when one preaches to another, the concept of duality comes in!

o   He repeatedly told us – Mene Maniye Cholo.  In other words, recognize the presence of the I-Reality amongst everybody.  This will spur thoughts of Oneness and equality, eliminate hatred, jealousy, competitiveness towards others in life – and thus usher Supreme Bliss within our lives.

o   He repeatedly stated – “Accept All, Reject None”. This emanated from His “Science of Oneness”.  If the same I-Reality resides amongst all of us, then we are accepting everybody to be that I-Reality – the question of rejection doesn’t arise because one needs duality to reject another.

o   He once went looking for the Nastik/atheist.  He quickly discovered that there was no such being! The “I” that was looking for the atheist, was Itself the Supreme “I-Reality”!

o   He repeatedly reminded us that He had always been with us, is with us, and will always be with us – in good times and in the not-so-good times.  He was reminding us of the Supreme I-Reality amongst us – not the mundane body.

o   He reminded us that “I was always alone, I is always alone and will remain alone”. By definition of the “Science of Oneness”, there is only one Absolute “I” – and hence the Absolute "I" is always alone.

o   His august proclamation – “All Divine, for all Time, as It Is” - tells us clearly that by the very definition of Absolute (which is unchangeable), the Absolute “I” will remain unchanged inside us for all times .

The list goes on and on.  All I can say is that

·         In every breath, He gave us the message of Oneness

·         In every step, He showed us the path of Oneness

·         In every action, He indicated that the action was being performed by the Supreme I-Reality

·         In every argument, He pointed us to that Oneness!

So, on this auspicious day, can we all commit to reflecting on His words (Mananam) everyday?

Joy Babathakur! Joy Babathakur! Joy Babathakur!

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