Friday, November 3, 2017

Welcome to the 2017 Issue of Raas Purnima

by Sri Sandip Dasgupta

Dear fellow devotees,

Welcome to the Raaspurnima edition of our electronic magazine. This is the time of the year when Sri Sri Babathakur left his mundane body. In this issue, I will verbatim reproduce some advice delivered by our Master to His devotees on March 15, 1988.

The Master said ‘Don’t be a slave to your mind which is always in search of finding faults with others, instead of finding faults with oneself'. 

He further went on to suggest the following, which should help us in our daily lives.
1.  Most impure minds find faults with others.

2.  When the mind speaks ill of others, one should at once know that it is an impure, motivated, tainted mind, influenced by Tamas and Rajas. One should stay quiet, without supporting or offering a chance to speak further to the speaker. One should avoid and leave the place.

3.  One should talk less of the objectives of life and increasingly maintain silence.

4.  One should think of the defects within one’s own self and try to remove them.  For this, one should think of the good qualities of others. The more one cultivates the practice of seeing the greatness of others, the more one becomes qualified. The more one blames others, the more one becomes tainted and diseased.  We will become diseased by finding fault with others.

5.  If you want to be great, try to ignore the offenses of others. Try to maintain your sublime and restful nature. Don’t get excited, biased or prejudiced. 

So, on this holy day, let us pledge to reflect on His words and try to practice His teachings in daily life.
 Joy Babathakur! Joy Babathakur! Joy Babathakur!


Realistic Outlook versus Erudition

by Smt. Susmita Devi

There are, in every country of the world, quite a number of erudite people in various branches like science, religion, history etc.  I have however regularly questioned their capacities to live harmonious lives based on their erudition when I read about the intellectuals’ unremitting struggle in most countries.  The struggles may be based on political, religious, economic or skin-colour differences.  Even gender plays a role in the struggles.

Being born and brought up in Denmark and Norway, I didn’t experience struggle of the above mentioned kind. In school, boys and girls of whatever colour were treated the same; so discrimination of any kind was not a problem then.  Later, by the time I settled in India, I read about how immigrants had to struggle to adjust to the way of life outside the norms they we were brought up with.  I enjoyed many freedoms unheard of in numerous other places, but I received advice on how to behave with others so as not to hurt their religious or cultural sentiments.  In other words, I became somewhat ‘international’ in my outlook early in life, as well as very pragmatic.

One of the mentionable practices followed by my family revolved around Christmas.  My father, an atheist, would invite some foreigners to our home, where the Danish tradition (with Christmas tree, good food and gifts) could be experienced by the guests.  These foreigners, who hailed from all over the world, would happen to be in Copenhagen at the time.  We never questioned their faith.  Christmas celebration to us simply meant enjoying home lights and good food in the darkest period of the year, while eagerly looking forward to the spring.  The tradition of Santa Lucia, where young girls walked the streets singing, dressed in white long dresses with a crown of fir-branches and lightened candles, was a feature much appreciated given how long and hard the winter is in the northern part of Europe.

From our random gathering of guests, I learned to accept other ways of doing things, ways of thinking, and various forms of worship to an assortment of Divine forms. This experience has indeed helped me to adjust to Indian living conditions, and the vast array of the Hindu folklores have now become a significant and integral part of my outlook.

Intellectual knowledge of different cultures may be helpful in understanding the background of an immeasurable array of traditions from far flung countries.  The early training that I received from interacting with foreigners – along with my many travels – has definitely helped me to accept, adjust and accommodate the differences - and somewhat grasp - a fraction of the vast variety of Indian philosophies.  My aptitude for seriously following that which appealed to my intellect and inner knack, has definitely helped.  It serves as the background for my acknowledgment of Advaita Vedanta as the direction suitable to my personality and upbringing.  I have followed this line of knowledge and observation for nearly 40 years now - mostly in the company of my Guru, Sri Sri Babathakur, who even now never leaves my background consciousness.

My bookish knowledge of the subject called spirituality may be limited, but through careful listening of the words of the Master, Sri Sri Babathakur (for whose sake I came to India, and whose words I noted and later, and with His Blessings, published) have enabled me to actually live and use many of the dictums He so graciously dispensed to whoever sought to listen.

I have, of course, also read a number of books from various authors, which helped me initially to follow the discourses of my Guru when He spoke in English. After having listened to Sri Sri Babathakur’s intricate discourses for nearly a year, He sent me on a journey to listen to other Gurus.  I, in that way, came to interact with several spiritual aspirants of different traditions of thinking, such as devotees following the path of Bhakti (persona/image worship)I on the other hand, had been rooted in the Advaita (Supreme Oneness of all manifested and un-manifested) line which (according to me) appeals to the intellect more, and where devotion, as conventionally professed, plays a smaller part, but is not totally absent.  So, Sri Sri Babathakur ‘brought me up’ to accept both multiple deities and ultimate reliance of the Supreme Oneness of all - which definitely is my innate inclination to follow.

I have heard many an erudite talk by learned people/teachers/preachers, but the irrefutable Truth of Advaita was and is the line to follow for me on the progress towards Liberation (mitigation of common laws of Karma).
Advaita Vedanta is not an easy path to follow, for one’s whole attitude towards living and occupying a given place in the world, must be taken into account or questioned in one’s thought-process and behavior. 

Having reached the age of 77, little time remains for me to absorb totally and act according to the precepts of Advaita as propounded by Sri Sri Babathakur.  I, for that reason, have had to negate many outer and inner developed attitudes, which common people deem necessary for a ‘good’ living.  It is designated as ‘tapasya’ because it has to be done consciously, with commitment, and may upset some of the social rules prevalent in family/social life. But once the inner poise is experienced, the conciliator stage grows sufficiently to boldly state that, it is beyond compare to other means I have had the opportunity to discuss and experience.

The acceptance of other faiths and conducts is of prime importance, although one need not seek them out deliberately to gain more tolerance towards the environment one lives in.  The environment may have some impact on one’s thought process, but if Advaita is properly imbibed and practiced, no outer happening can make one deviate from that path, as it brings utter freedom from strife in the realm of mind and behavior because there is no duality to create opposites.
From my experiences, I whole heartedly recommend sincerely following ONE line of instruction for either devotion or Knowledge - as only single-mindedness brings the desired results. 

One may occasionally listen to other gurus and not reject other lines of spiritual pursuits as useless. Each line has an assortment of values depending on the state of mind of the follower. But, as a result of mixing up two or more doctrines, one should be aware not to create confusion in the mind. I have listened to several gurus talk, but incorporate lessons only from the ones who placing an identical emphasis on the concepts listened to and absorbed, while sitting at the holy feet of Sri Sri Babathakur.
The main - or major - purpose of following ONE line of spiritual practice is to enable one to live harmoniously in the midst of the prevalent confusion in innumerable kinds of societies, rules and doctrines. One should, by no means, negate the eventual benefits of listening to any other guru, yet keep one’s own Guru’s line of teaching uppermost in mind – always – without comparisons.  Comparisons generally lead to utter confusion, and therefore not to enlightenment.
So be open to other ways of expressing spiritual viewpoints, but stick to the one suiting your inherent tendencies and capacities. Forcing one’s mind to accept other than one’s very individual spiritual inclination, will not yield beneficial results in the long run.

Significance of Gurushakti

The following is a translation of a story (#203, Chapter 1) appearing in ‘Golpe Atmovidya - Volume II'.  The story was rendered by Sri Sri Babathakur on March 12, 1973.

When Sri Sri Babathakur lived in Kakulia, Kolkata, He used to give regular discourses which were attended by many devotees. In one such discourse, He narrated a story about the famous Bengali singer, Pannalal Bhattacharya who used to sing devotional songs (Shyamasangeet) in praise of Mother Goddess Kali.

Pannalal Bhattacharya came to know about our Master from his many friends and acquaintances who attended Sri Sri Babathakur’s discourses regularly.   He became very eager to meet Sri Sri Babathakur, but unfortunately could not do so during his lifetime. His life was tragically cut short at the young age of thirty six, as he committed suicide.  Referring to this very sad incident, Sri Sri Babathakur said that Pannalal Bhattacharya had everything in life, yet his life ended tragically - and the only reason for it was that he lacked Gurushakti.

Sri Sri Babathakur shared another story emphasizing the importance of Gurushakti, and how Gurushakti protects devotees. Once upon a time, a man who had endured numerous miseries, decided to end his life. After six unsuccessful attempts to end his life, he decided to take a boat, go to the middle of a river, shoot himself and jump into the deep water. As soon as he pulled the trigger, the bullet passed off without touching his body.  Instead, it hit the bamboo stick which he was carrying.  The stick slipped out of his hand and into the river. The man was saved.

At that very moment, his Guru appeared and asked him a question, “So were you able to do it”? His Guru stated, “The body that you have already surrendered to your Guru, is no longer your body. Today you have received proof that you do not have the right to destroy the body which you have already surrendered”. The devotee realized his folly and once again surrendered himself completely at his Guru’s feet.  Sri Sri Babathakur further indicated that in later years, that devotee emerged to be a great saint.

So here we see the contrast between a devotee who did not survive a single suicide attempt (because he lacked Gurushakti), and a devotee who was unsuccessful in committing suicide (despite attempting to do so multiple times) – all because he had surrendered everything to His Guru, and Gurushakti was behind him to protect him.

Wisdom and Morality Facilitate Blissful Living

by Sri Ajit Halder

We all wish to lead a happy, peaceful and joyous life but face difficulties in coping with the problems of worldly life. It is hoped that the narrative that follows will guide us to realize blissful living. To begin with, we provide below an interpretation of Wisdom, Morality and Blissful Living - the important words appearing in the title, to help the reader understand and appreciate its theme.

Wisdom’ is the ability to judge correctly and to follow the best course of action, based on knowledge and understanding. What it means is that wisdom refers to a person’s ability to make correct decisions and to be able to exercise discriminating judgement – so as to live in perfect harmony with the world outside and have peace of mind.

‘Morality’ means a clear knowledge of what is right or wrong in conducts concerned with the goodness or badness of human character.  Simply speaking, morality is the human attempt to define what is right and wrong about our actions and thoughts, and what is good and bad about our being and who we are.

And finally, the expression ‘Blissful Living’ stands for being perfectly happy by receiving divine blessing to enjoy a blessed life.  Blissful living is a magnified emotional state of joy, personal  fulfillment and happiness.  Happiness, like pleasure, isn't simply for the moment but rather the search for long-term and personally meaningful happiness.

It may appear that the profound words of the title have been presented as distinct entities but there is an underlying link connecting all of them. The principles of both Wisdom and Morality, if put into practice, will help us to lead our lives with a feeling of joy in our hearts – the perfect way to achieve ‘Blissful Living’.  This will be expanded further in the following paragraphs.

Wisdom enables a person to think and act  using knowledge, experience, understanding and common sense to realize life’s main objective - which is blissful living. It is important to note that a person of wisdom is not only able to analyze his thoughts and beliefs into a coherent system, but also possesses the distinct ability to orient life to be lived blissfully interacting with his/her family and friends.  It may be inferred that wisdom is the application of useful and usable knowledge to attain a positive goal.

What can be extracted from the previous discussion is that wisdom is the capacity of judging rightly in matters relating to life and conduct.   Wise teachings of the holy persons will prepare us to think and act properly utilizing knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight. One can mention many sources of such wise teachings, which a reader, if interested to know, may access.  However we don’t need to look elsewhere, when the sound teachings of Sri Sri Babathakur are near at hand.  His many texts and recorded utterances are readily available to illumine our minds and show the way to realize our objective.  A selection of quotes from Sri Sri Babathakur’s vast literature will be included with the emphasis that the Sadguru Sri Sri Babathakur’s immortal message can be practiced in life to reach our goal.


Elaborating on the principle of morality, it can be said that morality is the differentiation of intentions, decisions, and actions - between those that are distinguished as proper, and those that are improper.  So, morality may be considered synonymous with goodness or righteousness.  Morality can be a body of standards or principles derived from a code of conduct associated with a particular philosophy, religion or culture.  Some scholars’ view is that wisdom and morality are intimately connected.  Regardless of what the basis of the close connection between the two concepts is, the two have the same goals in mind, i.e. the promoting of what is good.

The question that should bother us is how can we be moral in our behavior?  The wise sayings of Sri Sri Babathakur as given in his many discourses to devotees and in many religious texts authored by Him will inspire us to live righteously.
Blissful Living 

Living a blissful life is a journey to march directly towards a magnified emotional state, a heightened sense of joy, fulfillment and happiness.  The very foundation of enjoying Blissful Living rests on believing in and living a life of faith, good intention, understanding, and peace.  Understanding the doctrines of Wisdom and Morality will be easier if we refer to Sri Sri Babathakur’s sermons that serve as beacon lights to achieve blissful living.  Here is a saying of His that touches the heart:

‘Divine beauty, infinite happiness and peace are the culminating results of supreme purity. Immaculacy develops through sense control and concentration of mind. Mind and senses get fully controlled when directions and teachings of the Sadguru are rightly followed and observed.’

Another of His sermons contains the following inspiring words: ‘Perfection is already there in you (meaning a devotee), what you have to do is unveil the superimposed covering of the Truth´.

Sri Sri Babathakur firmly asserted, ‘Enlighten yourself with light of Oneness and gradually you will be illuminated’.

Prajnanpurush Sri Sri Babathakur was an inspirational teacher of the highest genre, advising ways that need to be followed to attain the state of ‘I-Reality’ - when one discover one’s identity with Reality Absolute. This Realization Absolute of our true nature that will lead us to a blessed state of existence on earth.