Friday, November 3, 2017

Significance of Gurushakti

The following is a translation of a story (#203, Chapter 1) appearing in ‘Golpe Atmovidya - Volume II'.  The story was rendered by Sri Sri Babathakur on March 12, 1973.

When Sri Sri Babathakur lived in Kakulia, Kolkata, He used to give regular discourses which were attended by many devotees. In one such discourse, He narrated a story about the famous Bengali singer, Pannalal Bhattacharya who used to sing devotional songs (Shyamasangeet) in praise of Mother Goddess Kali.

Pannalal Bhattacharya came to know about our Master from his many friends and acquaintances who attended Sri Sri Babathakur’s discourses regularly.   He became very eager to meet Sri Sri Babathakur, but unfortunately could not do so during his lifetime. His life was tragically cut short at the young age of thirty six, as he committed suicide.  Referring to this very sad incident, Sri Sri Babathakur said that Pannalal Bhattacharya had everything in life, yet his life ended tragically - and the only reason for it was that he lacked Gurushakti.

Sri Sri Babathakur shared another story emphasizing the importance of Gurushakti, and how Gurushakti protects devotees. Once upon a time, a man who had endured numerous miseries, decided to end his life. After six unsuccessful attempts to end his life, he decided to take a boat, go to the middle of a river, shoot himself and jump into the deep water. As soon as he pulled the trigger, the bullet passed off without touching his body.  Instead, it hit the bamboo stick which he was carrying.  The stick slipped out of his hand and into the river. The man was saved.

At that very moment, his Guru appeared and asked him a question, “So were you able to do it”? His Guru stated, “The body that you have already surrendered to your Guru, is no longer your body. Today you have received proof that you do not have the right to destroy the body which you have already surrendered”. The devotee realized his folly and once again surrendered himself completely at his Guru’s feet.  Sri Sri Babathakur further indicated that in later years, that devotee emerged to be a great saint.

So here we see the contrast between a devotee who did not survive a single suicide attempt (because he lacked Gurushakti), and a devotee who was unsuccessful in committing suicide (despite attempting to do so multiple times) – all because he had surrendered everything to His Guru, and Gurushakti was behind him to protect him.

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