Friday, November 3, 2017

Wisdom and Morality Facilitate Blissful Living

by Sri Ajit Halder

We all wish to lead a happy, peaceful and joyous life but face difficulties in coping with the problems of worldly life. It is hoped that the narrative that follows will guide us to realize blissful living. To begin with, we provide below an interpretation of Wisdom, Morality and Blissful Living - the important words appearing in the title, to help the reader understand and appreciate its theme.

Wisdom’ is the ability to judge correctly and to follow the best course of action, based on knowledge and understanding. What it means is that wisdom refers to a person’s ability to make correct decisions and to be able to exercise discriminating judgement – so as to live in perfect harmony with the world outside and have peace of mind.

‘Morality’ means a clear knowledge of what is right or wrong in conducts concerned with the goodness or badness of human character.  Simply speaking, morality is the human attempt to define what is right and wrong about our actions and thoughts, and what is good and bad about our being and who we are.

And finally, the expression ‘Blissful Living’ stands for being perfectly happy by receiving divine blessing to enjoy a blessed life.  Blissful living is a magnified emotional state of joy, personal  fulfillment and happiness.  Happiness, like pleasure, isn't simply for the moment but rather the search for long-term and personally meaningful happiness.

It may appear that the profound words of the title have been presented as distinct entities but there is an underlying link connecting all of them. The principles of both Wisdom and Morality, if put into practice, will help us to lead our lives with a feeling of joy in our hearts – the perfect way to achieve ‘Blissful Living’.  This will be expanded further in the following paragraphs.

Wisdom enables a person to think and act  using knowledge, experience, understanding and common sense to realize life’s main objective - which is blissful living. It is important to note that a person of wisdom is not only able to analyze his thoughts and beliefs into a coherent system, but also possesses the distinct ability to orient life to be lived blissfully interacting with his/her family and friends.  It may be inferred that wisdom is the application of useful and usable knowledge to attain a positive goal.

What can be extracted from the previous discussion is that wisdom is the capacity of judging rightly in matters relating to life and conduct.   Wise teachings of the holy persons will prepare us to think and act properly utilizing knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight. One can mention many sources of such wise teachings, which a reader, if interested to know, may access.  However we don’t need to look elsewhere, when the sound teachings of Sri Sri Babathakur are near at hand.  His many texts and recorded utterances are readily available to illumine our minds and show the way to realize our objective.  A selection of quotes from Sri Sri Babathakur’s vast literature will be included with the emphasis that the Sadguru Sri Sri Babathakur’s immortal message can be practiced in life to reach our goal.


Elaborating on the principle of morality, it can be said that morality is the differentiation of intentions, decisions, and actions - between those that are distinguished as proper, and those that are improper.  So, morality may be considered synonymous with goodness or righteousness.  Morality can be a body of standards or principles derived from a code of conduct associated with a particular philosophy, religion or culture.  Some scholars’ view is that wisdom and morality are intimately connected.  Regardless of what the basis of the close connection between the two concepts is, the two have the same goals in mind, i.e. the promoting of what is good.

The question that should bother us is how can we be moral in our behavior?  The wise sayings of Sri Sri Babathakur as given in his many discourses to devotees and in many religious texts authored by Him will inspire us to live righteously.
Blissful Living 

Living a blissful life is a journey to march directly towards a magnified emotional state, a heightened sense of joy, fulfillment and happiness.  The very foundation of enjoying Blissful Living rests on believing in and living a life of faith, good intention, understanding, and peace.  Understanding the doctrines of Wisdom and Morality will be easier if we refer to Sri Sri Babathakur’s sermons that serve as beacon lights to achieve blissful living.  Here is a saying of His that touches the heart:

‘Divine beauty, infinite happiness and peace are the culminating results of supreme purity. Immaculacy develops through sense control and concentration of mind. Mind and senses get fully controlled when directions and teachings of the Sadguru are rightly followed and observed.’

Another of His sermons contains the following inspiring words: ‘Perfection is already there in you (meaning a devotee), what you have to do is unveil the superimposed covering of the Truth´.

Sri Sri Babathakur firmly asserted, ‘Enlighten yourself with light of Oneness and gradually you will be illuminated’.

Prajnanpurush Sri Sri Babathakur was an inspirational teacher of the highest genre, advising ways that need to be followed to attain the state of ‘I-Reality’ - when one discover one’s identity with Reality Absolute. This Realization Absolute of our true nature that will lead us to a blessed state of existence on earth.

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