Saturday, December 26, 2020

Inward Journey


by Smt. Mandira Lahiri




Excerpts from Ms. Jaya Row’s article in “The Speaking Tree” which was published in Times of India, 17/10/2020…….  

 “Sita represents the individual you and me. Sita was perfectly happy, whether she was enjoying luxuries in the palace at Ayodhya or going through forest life, as long as her attention was on Rama, the Spirit within. As long as you look inward you are happy, irrespective of what the world offers. Sita’s problems began when she looked out. She saw the golden fleeting deer and wanted it. That one outward pursuit brought her misery. The deer represents sense objects, attractive and tantalizing, but passing. Sense contact gives instant pleasure but leads to sorrow in the end. You get enslaved by the senses, portrayed by the abduction of Sita by Ravana.” 

“Sita soon learns her lesson. She refuses the pleasures of Ravana’s palace and chooses to remain in the Ashok Vanam, the abode of no pain. When you turn inward you are in the zone of no grief. Hanuman then appears with Rama’s ring. This assures Sita that Rama is on his way to rescue her. When you pursue the higher, you are often alone. But before long you get the `ring of confidence’. Something happens to assure you that you are on the right path and that your redemption is near. You overcome your lower tendencies and gain union with the Self, Atman. You enjoy unbroken, infinite bliss that is not dependent on the world.”

Sita’s desire to possess the golden deer led to all the complications. Her communion with her inner Self helped her to get rid of baser instincts. I find Jaya Row’s interpretation very useful for application in life at all times, and definitely during these trying times.

2020 has been a very unusual year as the whole world witnessed some unprecedented times. The Corona virus engulfed the globe and it had to go under lockdown. Use of masks and sanitizers as well as social distancing became the need of the hour. Everyone was sailing in the same boat. Lakhs of people all over the world lost their jobs. Stress levels increased …. people experienced panic attacks …. domestic violence and tempers rose ….staying at home became a punishment for many …. house helps stopped coming (mandating the inmates of the house to take on additional chores) …. children could not understand why they were asked to stay indoors …. their little worlds crumbled …. innumerable people lost their lives …. those who had contracted the disease had to go through a lot of trauma of being infected by this highly contagious virus …. those who did not had to live in constant fear of contracting the virus (which still looms large). I thought that something like that happened to Sita as well in a sense, for her world also turned upside down.

In the midst of all these shocking things, some good things happened too. Noise pollution decreased …. air became far cleaner …. there was good monsoon all over India …. the bird population increased …. familial bonds became stronger …. children who were overseas started caring for their elderly parents back in the country all over again …. unnecessary outings stopped …. mindless buying got a break …. flights stopped operating, as a result there was a massive reduction in carbon footprints …. greenery increased …. flowers bloomed in abundance …. chirping of birds became our alarm clock …. buzzing of the insects and croaking of the frogs became our lullaby …. people learnt to value the work of the community helpers …. police personnel who were earlier looked down upon, came to the forefront and did a commendable job by taking charge of things.

So this pandemic has taught humanity a great lesson. Instead of looking outwards, people have started looking inwards. They have had the time and opportunity to think and dwell on their higher Self within. They have realized the impermanence of all things around them. Accepting things, whatever life throws at us, good or bad, is slowly creeping into our system. The general awareness that there is something higher and bigger about this life which is not experienced by just having an outward outlook.

Our Sadguru, Sri Sri Babathakur, in his book ‘Knowledge of Knowledge’ Part 1 explains, “Desires arise from thinking that there are other things and existence outside one’s own Self. One covets them and wants to enjoy them. But when one knows that the universe is pervaded by the Self-I and that there is only the Self-I and nothing else, the feeling of otherness goes away, and there is no desire, no attachment, no bondage, no suffering, no ignorance and hence there is Peace Absolute. His principle of `All- Acceptance and All- Embrace’ admits and unifies all as One. In such a process nothing and nobody is excluded from the Absolute I- Reality. This is possible only through the `Science or Knowledge of Oneness’. `Knowledge of Oneness’ is the Knowledge of the Divine Self–I.”

Sri Sri Babathakur tells us that each experience in life is a lesson for us. In the journey of life when we begin to practice acceptance of good or bad equally in the same spirit, then our life undergoes a startling change. Our agonies, pains and sorrows diminish, negativity vanishes, our heart gets enveloped with a beautiful and rapturous feeling and we start sailing in the sea of contentment. In fact, our internal sojourn and acceptance go hand in hand. When you internalize then your wants and desires ebb away on their own. But still at times the mind plays truant and we just get carried away. On such times, a heartfelt prayer comes to our rescue.

I end my piece with one of the revealed prayers of Sri Sri Babathakur, a prayer which says it all, a prayer that can be chanted at all times, a prayer that will recharge our batteries, a prayer that fills us with hope and finally paves the path to Self-realization.

`Oh Supreme Self! Oh Lord! Let me understand clearly, let me realize that this `I’ of mine is verily Thou.
Thou make me feel that every bit of my deed in my life,  
Every string of my thought is essentially Thou
Unfolded only for thy own Self.  
Make me worthy to feel thoroughly deeply
That every iota of activity, thought and perception 
Is nothing but part and parcel of Thy sportful dalliance.
Thou art only apparently different at the inmost and the exterior; 
I fail to understand that Thou art earnestly my own­­‑‑‑
Life of Life, Essence of Prana, Self of Self, Dearest Supreme, Love Divine.  
Thou with all your Grace, O Self effulgent One,
Arise in my heart and make me realize the truth that Thou art me and `I’ am Thou--- 
Unfold Thyself, removing all bars on way to realize that monistic truth, the eternal supreme catholic faith.’

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